Radeon Software Adrenaline


AMD non ha fornito molte altre informazioni, se non il video qui embeddato e le seguenti note; significativo evidenziare come con l’attuale famiglia di driver Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition AMD abbia raggiunto un livello di soddisfazione dei propri clienti pari al 90% per 12 mesi consecutivi.

Ne sapremo sicuramente di più nel corso delle prossime settimane; di seguito le note rese disponibili da AMD assieme al video.

Today, AMD is unveiling the name for the next generation of advanced Radeon Software coming in December 2017.

Named after the vibrant Adrenalin Rose, Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition continues AMD’s commitment to releasing major driver updates annually. The fully redesigned and supercharged Radeon Software Crimson Edition in 2015 received the highest user satisfaction rating of any AMD software ever, while Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition continued the 90 percent user satisfaction for 12 straight months in a row.

As a reminder, over the past three years, Radeon Software has delivered to users 70 software releases, launch day support for more than 75 games and over 50 new or enhanced features, with more than 250 million downloads across the globe. Radeon Software continues to lead the way in elevating high-performance gaming and VR experience for gamers, professionals and game developers.

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